We are happy to announce that the call for 2020-2021 ESC vacancies in Denmark is now open!!!
Please note: the projects are yet to be applied, but the volunteers must be chosen beforehand!
Deadline to apply: 25th of December
To apply: Interested candidates must fill in Dansk ICYE’s application form➡ (Application form ESC Denmark 2020) and send it to this e-mail address: evs.incoming@icye.dk with CC to fiohapplications@gmail.com with the name of the project you are applying for as the subject/title of your e-mail.
Applications are only accepted via e-mail and with this application form.
Get to know more below and find the most suitable ones to your profile. ⬇⬇⬇
Hertha Levefællesskab
Theme: Disability
Activity dates: 1st of July 2020 until 31st of July 2021
Number of volunteers: 2
Description of the project: The project, Hertha, is a living community for mentally handicapped situated in a small village.
The living community consists of 2 houses with 19 mentally handicapped residents. The residents have different psychological and mental restrictions and some of them are also physically impaired, but all of them are able to walk. The level of function varies from nearly “normal” to few without any verbal language.
Volunteer profile: non-smoker, punctual, tolerant, open, extrovert, calm personality, flexible and accepting of adjustments to plans.
Accommodation: the volunteer will live at the project.
Activities: the main activity for the volunteer will be to support the disabled in the workshops according to interests and specific knowledge and experiences. The volunteer will support in the bakery and kitchen. If the volunteer has a driving license, he/she will be in charge of being a chauffeur to different activities. The volunteer being able to play an instrument would be relevant, but not essential.They will only work with the less disabled and challenging disabled.
Vedersø Efterskole – The International.
Theme: Youth/education
Activity dates: 3th of August 2020. – 7th of July 2021.
Number of volunteers: 3
Description of the project: The International Academy and Boarding School of Denmark is the only 100% English speaking efterskole in Denmark, where students aged 14-17 can combine the unique experience of attending a Danish efterskole/boarding school, with its proven educational and personal development qualities, with an international education. The school is a part of the self-governing institution Vedersø Idrætsefterskole (Sports College), which is one of Denmark’s leading sports and gymnastic schools.
Volunteer profile: over the age of 22, preferably volunteers with a good level of English and university educated, motivated, adaptable and flexible, previous experience working with children, previous teaching experience is highly recommended, an interest for foreign languages, a passion for one of following activities: dance, media and communication, football or badminton are important, prefered french, spanish or german speakers.
Accommodation:volunteers will live at the school.
Activities: planned activities will vary depending on the participant’s individual skills, personal background and experience, our range of informal and formal activities will give the volunteer the chance to use of their skills – linguistically, artistically, socially, and physically, volunteers will assist in the classroom as both a guest teacher, volunteers will be given the opportunity to gain knowledge and insight into the teaching profession and gain experience working with young people a responsibility to contribute to social activities in weekends and evenings.
Theme: Animal/Environment
Activity dates: August 2020-August 2021
Number of volunteers: 2
Description of the project: Fjord&Bælt is a combined research and experience centre which communicates knowledge about marine life in the waters of Denmark. Fjord&Bælt is one of the few places in the world where it is possible to get close to marine animal life. At Fjord&Bælt we have a daily routines of training and feeding our three porpoises – Eigil, Freja and Sif – and our playful seals – Svante, Tulle and Naja.
Activities: In the beginning the volunteer will learn all the daily tasks that are necessary for the daily routines, such as fish sorting, kitchen cleaning, assisting the trainers and maintenance of the facilities. After an individual period of time the volunteer will start feeding the animals and start to learn how to maintain a few basic behaviors with the animals. The role of the intern will be to help with the daily flow in the fish kitchen and in time participate in the feedings/training sessions of our animals. In the season where the center is open it is also important to help in giving the guests a great experience which means answering questions and so on. To be a volunteer at Fjord&Bælt you will have the opportunity to learn about porpoises and seals. Both about their biology and how they live in nature. Through this the volunteers will learn lot about them as a species. As well as have the opportunity to learn about their daily husbandry and care and also the basic rules of how to train animals. There are also opportunities to learn about the animal life and ecosystems of the Danish waters.
Vestjyllands Højskole.
Theme: Youth/Education
Activity dates: 1st August of 2020 until 1st August 2021
Number of volunteers: 1
Description of the project: Vestjyllands Højskole is a Folk High Schools that offers non-formal adult education. Most students are between 18 and 26 years old. We have no academic requirements for admittance and there are no exams, but you get a diploma when you leave.They have dance, ecology, theatre, singing, music, ceramics, painting ,writing, and cooking on the schedule.
They also have an ecological profile and we are able to produce all the energy needed ourselves, large ecological garden, which is maintained by local voluntaries.
Volunteer profile:interest in education and ecology, willing to engage in the practical work in the organic garden,flexible and mature,interest in sustainable gardening and permaculture,we look for a young male.
Accommodation:volunteers will live at the school.
Activities: As a volunteer, you will be working in the garden, but in your spare time you will have the opportunity to take part in the above mentioned as well. The volunteer will gain knowledge of ecological gardening and farming, will spend most of the time working in the garden and in that way he will contribute to the overall mission of the garden. Besides gardening, the volunteer will be faced with tasks of craftsmanship, especially carpentry and tasks such as bartending, management and cleaning.
Theme: Disability
Activity dates: 1st September 2020. – 30th June 2021.
Number of volunteers: 2-3
Description of the project: Limfjordsskolen is a residential school for young disabled people between 17 and 20 years of age. The school offers a specially designed education based on the students individual competences and challenges and this education is given to all young people who cannot complete a normal youth education even with extra assistance and adapted curriculum.
The main purpose of the school is to equip and strengthen the students in becoming as independent and active in their own life as possible, and in spite of their handicap be an active citizen in the local community.
Volunteer profile: over the age of 22, willing to be part of a learning community for disabled young people, willing to put in their skills and efforts in the daily life with them,ready to learn from the staff.
Activities: the main purpose of the school is to equip and strengthen the students in becoming as independent and active in their own life as possible,the volunteer will be involved in the social life of the students – play games, go to the cinema, go shopping, go to the café, go on trips and tours.
Marine Biological Research Centre.
Theme: Animal/Environment
Activity dates: 15th of August 2020. – 14th of August 2021
Number of volunteers: 2
Description of the project: The Marine Biological Research Centre in Kerteminde is part of the Department of Biology, University of Southern Denmark. Kerteminde is on the island Fyn, an island in the middle of Denmark. Any other part of the country is within easy reach by public transport. The centre is internationally known and focuses on all aspects of marine research, both in the field and in the lab. The center has projects with focus on sponges, jellyfish, blue mussels and other filter feeding animals; as well as a bioacoustics labs where we house grey seals, cormorants and harbour porpoises.
Volunteer profile: people with a biology or psychology background, or people with animal experience, all interested person will be openly considered with a special focus on motivation for learning and strong work ethic.
Accommodation : as a volunteer on this project, you will be living with a Danish host family.
Activities: assisting in daily research sessions and training sessions with the 2 grey seals, 2 cormorants, and 2 turtles, assisting in the daily animal care and husbandry of the animals,cleaning and maintenance of the animal areas and facilities, the volunteers will be put through a training regime in learning animal behavior, behavior modification, and animal training, the volunteers will also learn about the bioacoustics, psychophysics, and testing paradigms.
Bustrup Hovedgaard.
Theme: Youth/climate/organic farming
Activity dates: 1 of August 2020 – 31 of July 2021
Number of volunteers: 2
Description of the project: Bustrup Dagskole (Bustrup Day School) is looking for volunteers for a duration of 6 – 9 months with a working time of 30-35 hours a week. We are situated in the countryside in a beautiful landscape and our volunteers should also like to live away from the city with outdoor activities every day as well as sports. Bustrup Dagskole is running a café in the Danish summer where lots of people visit every day. We imagine that volunteers coming in the summer should help running the café together with staff and students from our Day School. Bustrup Dagskole is also running a fitness centre and a gallery and here there will also be tasks together with students and teachers.
Volunteer profile: aged 18 to 30, a background as: youth workers, teachers, pedagogues, craftsmen and –women, builders, sports instructors, health and social workers, unemployed people, or students, strong interest in: dissemination of climate knowledge, hands-on work in an organic garden, supporting vulnerable young people, having a basic knowledge of English.
Accommodation: The volunteers live, learn and work together at Bustrup School Center.
Activities: Bustrup School Center is looking for volunteers who want to take part in the “Change Generation”. People who want to dedicate some of their time and life for learning and acting to reduce and mitigate the effects of climate change. People, who enjoy being part of an international community and enjoy working with head and hands. People who want to improve their English skills and learn numerous other skills. People who want to learn about pedagogy and teaching in theory and practice. The volunteers have a mentor – or a teacher. Each module – mostly a week at a time – has its own headline, introduction, theory, and practice. Each module is evaluated by each participant and by the group as well. The mentor will call the volunteers for meetings to discuss and evaluate and guide the different challenges in the daily programs – formal as well as informal learning. The volunteer writes a midway report. The mentor writes a final report on each volunteer’s achievements
Aagaard Efterskole.
Theme: Youth/Education
Activity dates: 11th of August 2020-30th of June 2021
Number of volunteers: 1
Description of the project: Aagaard Efterskole is a part of a network of schools in Denmark, known as “Efterskole”. “Efterskole” is a unique schooling concept found only in Denmark. Broadly speaking it is a private boarding school with government grants that provides Secondary School education for young people at the age of 15 to 17.
Volunteer profile: over the age of 20, a volunteer with interest in working with children and young people, interest in foreign languages and sharing knowledge about Europe and his own country, culture, and language, willing to engage in all aspects of the life on the school, hard-working and flexible.
Activities: a timetable will be provided every week, which will give the volunteer a chance to use all his skills; linguistically, artistically, athletically, and socially, it’s important to note that the school is technically open 24/7, though time will be given in lieu if the volunteer has been asked to contribute weekends, the volunteer will have the opportunity to work as a language assistant with co-operation with other teachers in the classroom, the volunteer will have the opportunity to contribute during musical activities, sport activities, skiing, and other optional lessons, participating in the daily tasks of the boarding school; monitoring of cleaning and mealtimes, planning evening activities, helping with homework etc.
Kontakt mellem Mennesker.
Theme: Children
Activity dates: 1st September 2020 – 30th June 2021
Number of volunteers: 2
Description of the project: Kontakt mellem Mennesker/Contact between People is a volunteer social association whose vision is a strong, visible and diverse civil society. The organization strives, through various areas of effort to promote a strong, visible and diverse civil society where anyone can make a volunteer contribution, seek help and support, and take part in meaningful communities.
Volunteer profile: Proactive and strong on taking initiative, able to speak and write English, a keen interest in the areas: promoting volunteerism, community work, supporting other NGOs and the establishment of communities of interest,an open mind towards people of all ages, nationalities and backgrounds,knowledge of IT.
Activities: The Volunteer at Kontakt mellem Mennesker will work with their staff and ca. 100 volunteers to discuss and initiate activities for people who want a volunteer job or who need help to get on with their lives, at this association they help many different types of people, both those experiencing a life crisis common to most, but also the marginalized and persons with a non-Danish ethnic background, the volunteer will also contribute to the planning of activities, projects and running a large volunteer house for our city’s social associations, the volunteer’s concrete tasks/projects will depend on their competences and interests.
Tasks could be, for example:reception function, where you greet people and associations needing help, participation in marketing our programs, participant or project leader on your own project/activity, function as handyman/woman.
Theme: Animals/Environment
Activity dates: 1st of September 2020 – 30th June 2021
Number of volunteers: 1
Description of the project: The Kattegatcentre is a dynamic and exciting place where you can experience the ocean and its animal life. The visitors get a unique experience and obtain new knowledge about the ocean world and in our aquariums you can experience animals and fish from all over the World. Shoal fish from the Danish coasts, crabs and lobsters from the North Sea, sharks and rays from the tropical oceans, seals and even some freshwaterspecies. In the school service we aim to support and deepen the teachings in biology at schools.
Accommodation: the volunteer will be living in a host family.
Activities: the volunteer will learn about ocean animal life and ecosystems as well as maintaining an aquarium, the volunteer will learn to promote scientific knowledge to an audience, large variety of tasks: Construction of new aquarium, cleaning and maintenance of the existing aquaria, feeding and nursing of fish and the other marine animals, and any other activity which keeps the exhibits in order and well-functioning, tasks and responsibilities will depend greatly of the volunteer’s age, interests, and qualifications, the volunteer must be aware that some of the animals are dangerous. We will of course provide the necessary supervision in order to avoid dangerous situations, but the volunteer must follow the given rules when dealing with the animals.
Rønde Frie Skovbørnehus.
Theme: Children
Activity dates: 1st September 2020 – 30th June 2021
Number of volunteers: 3
Description of the project: The Kindergarten and nursery “Rønde Frie Skovbørnehus” is beautifully located in the middle of a forest, only 5 min walk from the seaside. We have four groups of children aged 0-3, 3-4, 4-5 and 5-6 under the same roof with different outside activities and right now we have 50 children and 8 staff.
Volunteer profile: basic level of English, smoking is not allowed, good social skills and interest and motivation in working with children, no previous experience at working at kindergartens is required.
Activities: the kindergarten is specialized in daily outdoors living, we believe it is mentally and physically healthy for children to be outdoors for most of the day, a member of the staff will be a tutor and supervisor for the volunteer, the volunteer will be attached one of the groups and help the staff in the daily work, the volunteer is also expected to do activities with the children.
Rejsby Europæiske Efterskole
Theme: Youth/Education
Activity dates: 1st August 2020 – 30 of June 2021
Number of volunteers: 2
Description of the project: The school is located in the little village of Rejsby in Southern Denmark on the west coast of Jutland, just 5 km from Wadden Sea National Park and 45km from the German border. Currently, the school has room for 139 students with a fairly equal balance between girls and boys. The students live and study at the school for one year only.
Volunteer profile: over the age of 20, motivated, adaptable and flexible, previous experience working with children, previous teaching experience is highly recommended, interest in foreign languages.
Activities: the volunteer is expected to play a vital role in the “efterskole” community and quickly develop a personal, yet professional relationship to the students, the school is built on openness, friendliness, tolerance and shared responsibility, the volunteer will be involved in the areas of the curriculum that are relevant to their key skills both linguistically, artistically, and socially, the volunteer will be offered the same learning possibilities of any trainee teaching with regards to pedagogy and didactic, any volunteer will be provided with constant support and advice.
Solbjerg Plejehjem.
Theme: Elderly
Activity dates: 1st September 2020 – For 12 months
Number of volunteers: 2
Description of the project: Solbjerg Plejehjem is a nursing home for elderly people of Aarhus Kommune – the municipality of Aarhus. Next to the nursing home there is a community center with a health center and a café and rooms for meetings and activities for citizens from the local area.
Volunteer profile: highly motivated to work with elderly people, highly motivated to work within the field of health and care, social, outgoing, creative, empathetic, willing and ready to take initiative, highly motivated to learn Danish in order to be able over timer to talk to staff and residents,if you play an instrument or sing it is very much appreciated.
Accommodation: The volunteers will either live in a shared apartment or with a host family.
Activities: easy office tasks, working in the café, social activities, for instance card or board games, cooking, baking, or enjoying a meal together,, physical activities, for instance gardening, walking, dancing and sports/fitness (active ageing) musical activities for and with the elderly people, such as music and singing, creative activities for instance knitting/embroidery, painting, drawing, and ceramics, supporting or even planning and organizing different activities and projects for the elderly, participating in excursions with the elderly outside the nursing home/local community center. The volunteer will also participate in many cultural events as for instance Christmas and Easter and arrangements for their co-workers. Also the volunteer will be asked to arrange one or two cultural events related to their country and cultural and own interests. Also helping out in the kitchen is very much appreciated.
Tranbjerg Plejehjem.
Theme: Elderly/Disabled
Activity dates: 1st September 2020 – For 12 months
Number of volunteers: 2
Description of the project: Tranbjerg Plejehjem is a nursing home and community center for elderly people of Aarhus Kommune – the municipality of Aarhus. It is situated in Tranbjerg, 12km south of Aarhus – Denmark’s second largest city. Part of the nursing home is a café, a community center with rooms for meetings and activities, and a health center.
Volunteer profile: interested or has knowledge in VR video,highly motivated to work with elderly people, highly motivated to work within the field of health and care, social, outgoing, creative, empathetic, willing and ready to take initiative.
Accommodation: The volunteers will either live in a shared apartment or with a host family.
Activities: easy office tasks, working in the café, social activities, for instance card or board games, cooking, baking, or enjoying a meal together,, physical activities, for instance gardening, walking, dancing and sports/fitness (active ageing) musical activities for and with the elderly people, such as music and singing, creative activities for instance knitting/embroidery, painting, drawing, and ceramics, supporting or even planning and organizing different activities and projects for the elderly, participating in excursions with the elderly outside the nursing home/local community center. The volunteers will be a part of the daily routines in the nursing home and community center, and sometimes also the café. They will participate and be involved in many different tasks and activities involving seniors and elderly citizens from supporting and running different activities and meetings to contributing to different initiatives targeting elderly. The activities are based on the wishes and needs of the elderly.
Vandel Efterskole.
Theme: Youth/Education
Activity dates: 1st of August 2020. – 30th of June 2021.
Number of volunteers: 2
Description of the project: An “Efterskole” is a unique schooling concept found only in Denmark. It is a kind of a private boarding school with government grants that provides Secondary School education for young people, predominately between the ages of 14-17. The school is privately run, and this means that there is an annual fee for parents to send their child/children to the school, but families may apply for government funding depending on their financial status.
Volunteer profile: over the age of 20, out-going, sociable and has a sense of humor, motivation, adaptability and flexibility are key factors, natural interest in working with children,an interest in foreign languages, previous teaching experience is recommended, participation in sports or coaching experience would also be beneficial. Danish law requires anyone working with children under the age of 16 to have a clean criminal record and have no previous convictions where children are involved.
Accommodation: volunteers will live at the school.
Activities: good opportunity to participate in all of the school’s activities during the week and at weekends, volunteers are expected to quickly develop a personal, yet professional relationship to the students, individual timetables will offer volunteers the chance to use all of their skills, linguistically, artistically, and socially, the volunteer will get the opportunity to contribute as both a language assistant and as a guest teacher, volunteers will be offered the same learning possibilities of any trainee teacher with regards to pedagogy and didactics, volunteers will be provided with constant support and advice, no smoking is allowed on school grounds and alcohol is not permitted on the premises.
Volunteer Festival Office.
Theme: Children/youth sports
Activity dates: 1st of September 2020 – 30th of June 2021
Number of volunteers: 2
Description of the project: in 2018 the city of Aarhus was announced European Volunteer Capital by the organization CEV – the European Volunteer Centre. In relation to the year as Volunteer Capital Aarhus hosted several European volunteers with great success.s a part of the legacy from European Volunteer Capital 2018, the city of Aarhus has decided to host a new Folkets Møde in the end of 2019. This will be the main project assigned to the European volunteers – to be a part of the organizing team arranging Folkets Møde 2019 and to develop an international track for the program.
Accommodation: The volunteer will live in a shared apartment. Food allowance is covered by Dansk ICYE.
Activities: take part in the office arranging Folkets Møde 2019 and contribute to the planning and coordination of the festival, take part in developing international program of the volunteer festival, help to build on the experiences of the volunteering festival – for example by developing new cooperations on volunteering with an international perspective.
Odsherreds Efterskole.
Theme: Youth/Education
Activity dates: 1st of August 2020. – 30th of June 2021
Number of volunteers: 3
Description of the project: Odsherredes Efterskole is a Christian self-governing boarding school (efterskole) offering formal secondary education for 9th and 10th grade. It have are around 160 students between 15-17 year, which stay for one year at the school. The school is situated in the western part of Zealand in a small town named Faarevejle. An “Efterskole” is a unique schooling concept found only in Denmark.
Volunteer profile: over the age of 20, out-going, sociable and has a sense of humor, good at English.
Accommodation: volunteers will live at the school.
Activities: living at the school, there is the opportunity to participate in all of the school’s activities during the week and at weekends, you get your own room in a house that you will share with 2-4 other young people, who also work at the school, the school will provide a timetable for the volunteer, which will offer him/her the chance to use all of their skills, linguistically, artistically, in sports and socially, the volunteer will be involved in the areas of the curriculum that are relevant to his/her key skills,the volunteer would be offered the same learning possibilities of any trainee teaching with regards to pedagogy and didactics,the volunteer would be provided with constant support and advice,we expect the volunteer to engage in all aspects of the school’s life.
ICYE Denmark
Theme: Youth/Intercultural Learning
Activity dates: 15st of August 2020. – For 12 months
Number of volunteers: 1
Description of the project: Dansk ICYE is working on international exchange programmes. Working with us, the volunteer will have an opportunity to gain in-depth knowledge about international exchange programmes.The main focus will be on the incoming program of both the ESC and ICYE long term exchange programmes.
Volunteer profile: keen interest in an international organisation, fluent at written and spoken English is highly appreciated, the volunteer will be involved in marketing.
Accommodation: The volunteer will live with a host family.
Activities: The volunteer will be engaged in a broad array of work areas such as external and internal communications, designing and planning activities for exchangees, preparing, coordinating and participating in various types of meetings with coworkers as well as ongoing administrative tasks in the office. The general activitys will be to keep in touch with exchangees – in cooperation with Dansk ICYE’s co-workers – while they are doing their project in Denmark.The volunteer will also be part of the daily routine at the office, helping out with various administrative tasks related to the ESC and ICYE incoming programs,working hours- 35 hours per week. The volunteer will have an opportunity to participate in international meetings and take part in trainings that is arranged by Dansk ICYE.
Præstø Privatskole
Theme: Children and Education
Activity dates: 1 September 2020 – For 10 months
Number of volunteers: 2-3
Description of the project: Præstø Privatskole is a private independent school receiving government subsidy, founded 3 years ago and located in Præstø 1 hour drive south from Copenhagen. The school is run as a private independent school for primary and lower secondary education under the Danish Act on Private Independent School.
Accommodation: The volunteer will live with a host family in the area:
Activity A: The Volunteer engages in teaching as an assistant teacher in different subjects, languages, science and creative skills. The volunteer will assist small groups of pupils, encouraging them to speak English in order to improve their oral English skills. If the volunteer wishes he/she will be able to conduct some teaching on his/her own.As for sciences the volunteer will participate in teaching natural sciences/biology depending on background and interests. This involves assisting the teacher with small groups of pupils and being responsible for teaching the whole class if desired.
Activity B: The volunteer will be placed on our after-school programme, where he/she will organize leisure activities for the pupils. We especially concentrate on activities that emphasis and develop the children’s social skills, fantasy or creativity. The volunteer can join in activities planned by others but will get a chance to plan activities on his/her own. A possible activity could be cooking with and for the children. Once a week we take on small trips with the pupils to the forest and playgrounds in the nature.